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Our Different Programs

More reasons to listen to radio with a difference !


Turn Back The Hands Of Time

Aileen Shipman started this programme when 2AIRFM started broadcasting in 1998 and it was specifically a nostalgia programme playing music from 20s to the 60s, many of whom resided in the Area's Nursing Homes.
This programme is still on air three times a week as a legacy to Aileen who is now sadly deceased and the general format has remained as originally created but with the passage of time the music now being played dates from 40s to 60s and is well received by our many listeners, both young and old who enjoy the nostalgic music from those eras.
Turn Back The Hands Of Time - Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 10.30am to noon.


Country Music

From Day 1, 2AIR has been broadcasting country music – the only station in the area to do so. It is unbelievably popular.
It was one the tenets of our original concept and it continually amazes us how many people are awake at 5am just because country music is on the radio. There are also country music programs on most weeknights and on Saturday and Sunday.
For a full listing of Country Music, click here.


Band Music

Bill Vitnell is on air with his very popular Band Music program, with selections from his vast collection of great Band music - brass, pipes, drums, military - you name it.
Strike Up The Band - Monday at 2 to 4pm.


Jazz Music

Ray Cooper loves his music and enjoys sharing his wide collection and knowledge with you. You'll hear the very old standards through to contemporary releases. A wonderful variety of Jazz music is played every weekend on Saturday between 2 and 4pm.
All That Jazz - Saturday at 2 to 4pm.


Religious Programs

A program of gospel music and easy listening hymns is broadcast every Sunday morning from 6am to 8am. Included is a 15 minute segment “Face to Face” produced by the Lutheran church, a Bible story segment and times for prayer and sacred readings.
This program is eagerly listened to by those who are unable to attend a church.
Sunday Gospel - Sunday at 6 to 8am



Community Programs

Creative Corner
This program is program designed to highlight the cultural side of our district.
Presented by Olga, it will bring you news from the Library, various exhibitions, news from the many creative and artistic groups in the area as well as theatre and performance news.
It's a program that acknowledges and promotes the large and diversified talent in our area.
Creative Corner at 10.30am every Tuesday.

The Community Show
2AIR-FM is proud to host programs dedicated to the local community.
Community is about, well, our community! Interviews are about events happening in our area or local people who have something different to say.
There are so many people who do such interesting things or are involved in local groups, all making our community that much better.
Community News & Interviews - Thursdays, 9 to 10.30am



Community Radio

Community Radio is about reflecting the diverse nature of our community and 2AIR-FM is proud to host them.
Each week there are programs with different ethnic appeal including Islander, European and Indigenous. These specialist shows foster closer understanding within the listening audience as well as sharing musical tastes. They are often the only opportunity minority groups have to keep in touch with their culture.
It is important to remember that at least a quarter of the program must be spoken in English and you have the musical resources to sustain the program.
If you would like to know more, please contact us - 6652-1071 or email us or fax 6652-8881.



At all times, 2AIR welcomes your feedback about our programs. Whether it is a suggestion for a new program or one you would like to present or just to hear something different or a concern about some program formats,
please contact us : phone 6652-1071 (9.00am to 4.00pm Monday - Friday), or click here for online feedback.



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© Coffs Coast Community Radio Inc. 2014