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2AIR FM - Membership and Volunteers



Membership is open to anyone and costs $15 per year, renewed each June.
We encourage all listeners to become members, as this is a small way of helping the station you like to listen to.
A quarterly newsletter is posted to all members bringing them up to date with news about the station, events etc.

Pay in person at our Glenreagh Street Office.



Members Only Competitions

As a Member, you're also eligible to enter our Members Only Competitions held
each Monday to Friday, during the Breakfast Show.

click here for more details.






2AIRFM Community Radio is operated solely by Volunteers.

2AIR is currently seeking volunteers to help with :

For more details, please phone our Office on 6652 1071,
9.00am - 4.00pm, Monday to Friday



2AIRFM conducts Presenter training programs on a regular basis throughout the year. To find out more about becoming a Presenter, please phone our Office, - 6652 1071.

In addition to presenting on-air programs, 2AIRFM has a range of 'behind the scenes' activities, such roles as:




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© Coffs Coast Community Radio Inc. 2014