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Community Activities and Meetings

Listed below are regularly occurring community activities and meetings.
Some activities are held on a specific day, while other occur over a number of days.



Boambee East Community Centre Inc.
Services and Community Activities
The Centre hosts a number of activities including the Astronomical Society, Bowerbird Quilters Group, Indigenous Homework Group, Revival Fellowship and SDA Church, as well as the U3A Art Group.
Also provided are a wide range of services including an After School Arts Program, Chin Waggers Seniors Group, Craft Group and a Dance Group.
For more information about the Centre's activities and services, click here.
The Centre is located at : Bruce King Dr, Boambee East.
For further information phone: 6658 4655
Open Mon – Thurs 9am – 4pm & Fri 9am – 1pm


Cavanbah Centre
Coffs Seniors Computer Club
Coffs Seniors Computer Club meet Mondays at Cavanbah Centre 8.30am to 9am for coffee, 9am to 11.30am tutoring.
Annual membership $20 Sessions cost $10.
Volunteers tutor on a wide range of topics to suit beginner to tech savvy.
Group motto is Seniors helping Seniors. If you're over 50 and wish to learn more about computers, tablets or mobile phones, come along.
Contact Phone Number: 0481 308 192
Or visit the website by clicking here.
Mondays - 8.30am to 11.30am


Guide Hall, 209A Harbour Dr, Coffs Harbour
Sing Australia Choir Coffs Harbour
Sing Australia is a national network of choirs with a difference. There are no auditions, no pressure, no need to read music. It's just lots of fun and good for your health !
Come and join us and put a song in your heart. We meet on Mondays at the Guide Hall, 209A Harbour Dr, Coffs Harbour from 7pm-9pm.
Sing Australia gives everyone the opportunity to join with others to sing a wide range of songs in a relaxed environment.
For more information call Tess or Dave on: 02 6652 7402
or visit the Sing Australia website.
Mondays - 7.00pm to 9.00pm


138a Howard Street, Coffs Harbour
Coffs Harbour Men's Shed
The Coffs Harbour Men’s Shed is a great place for local men to meet, make new friends, build things and access a great support network.
Members of Men's Sheds come from all walks of life - the bond that unites them is that they are people with time on their hands and they would like to do something meaningful with that time.
There’s a strong focus on men’s health, particularly mental health, and the Shed can provide a meeting place and a support network for men who come along.
You can just come and have a yarn and a cuppa if that is all you're looking for.
Why not come and check out Coffs Harbour Men's Shed.
For more information ring the Shed on : 02 6651 4159, or visit the Shed website.
Monday to Friday, 7.30am – 2.30pm


189B Harbour Drive, Coffs Harbour
Over 50s Table Tennis Club
The Over 50s Table Tennis Club play at 189B Harbour Dr (next to the Cavanbah Centre), - playing times are:
Mon, Wed & Fri : 12.30 - 3.30pm., Tues : 1.00 - 3.00pm., Sat : 12.30 - 2.30pm.
Coaching is available on Tuesdays, and the first afternoon is free to new members.
For more information, phone Wayne: 0417 224 245 or visit the Club's website.
Monday to Saturday (excluding Thursday)



Next to Dolphin Marine Magic
Walking for Health
Walking for Health meets at 8.00am each Tuesday next to Dolphin Marine Magic.
An easy 4.5km walk and creek-side social.
For more details or information, phone 0408 327 434
Tuesdays - 8.00am


Cavanbah Centre
Coffs Harbour Senior Citizens Club
We are a non profit organisation for seniors 45 and over situated at Cavanbah Centre 191 Harbour Drive Coffs Harbour.
On Tuesdays and Fridays from 8.45am to 11.30am there are indoor bowls and
cards (500). The cost is $3 for morning tea and a lucky door prize included.
The cost of joining the seniors is $5 per year.
Tuesdays - 8.45am to 11.30am



Coffs Harbour Neighbourhood Centre
Coffee 4 Blokes
Coffee 4 Blokes Weekly Meet Up might just be the answer for you. We cater to men from all walks of life. Whether you're all alone and feeling the crunch or if you're a family man who just needs to offload and get some advice from other men.
Each week at Coffs Harbour Neighbourhood Centre we band together, have a coffee, a chat and talk about the real stuff that bothers us the most.
To find out more visit the Coffee 4 Blokes Facebook Page.
Each Thursday at 2.00pm



Cavanbah Centre
Coffs Harbour Senior Citizens Club
We are a non profit organisation for seniors 45 and over situated at Cavanbah Centre 191 Harbour Drive Coffs Harbour.
On Tuesdays and Fridays from 8.45am to 11.30am there are indoor bowls and
cards (500). The cost is $3 for morning tea and a lucky door prize included.
The cost of joining the seniors is $5 per year.
Fridays - 8.45am to 11.30am



Botanic Garden Display Room
Coffs Harbour Garden Club
The Coffs Harbour Garden Club is a not-for-profit community organisation run by a team of gardening enthusiasts from the NSW mid-north Coast.
The club has been involved in the development of the North Coast Regional Botanic Garden and has provided support for many other local community projects.
At its monthly meetings, the Club organises interesting guest speakers and conducts a range of activities for our members, including excursions to places of interest each month. Our meetings are also jam-packed with valuable information about what is happening in our gardens.
We meet every third Saturday of the month Jan-Nov at the Botanic Garden Display Room, Hardacre Street, Coffs Harbour, commencing at 1.30pm.
For more information visit the Coffs Harbour Garden Club website.
3rd Saturday of the month



Various Locations - Member's Worksheds
Coffs Coast Woodworkers
Coffs Coast Woodworkers is a group of like-minded men and women who meet regularly to pursue their interest in making things with wood.
The members of the club engage in all types of wood working activities including: furniture making, woodturning, intarsia, jewellery boxes, bandsaw boxes and carving.
MONTHLY MEETINGS are held at a members shed so that we get to see the various set-ups – from a tiny garden shed to a dedicated workshop – that various members work in.
Visitors are always welcome.
For more information visit the Coffs Coast Woodworkers website
Alternatively, phone Dennis, (Secretary) on 0478 041 312

Meeting once a month - dates and details on website




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© Coffs Coast Community Radio Inc. 2014